4 minute read

Understanding Android SavedState and SavedStateHandle

Building robust Android applications often requires careful handling of app states, especially when the lifecycle of activities or fragments comes into play. The Android platform offers several tools to manage state across configuration changes or process death, with two of the most common being SavedState and SavedStateHandle. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these two concepts, explaining how they work and when you should use them.

What is SavedState?

In Android, SavedState refers to the mechanism that allows you to preserve critical information when an activity or fragment is recreated. This typically happens during configuration changes such as screen rotation, or when the app is killed by the system and needs to be restored later.

Traditionally, Android developers relied on the onSaveInstanceState method to store information in a Bundle, and then used that Bundle to restore the state in onCreate or onViewStateRestored. However, this approach can get cumbersome, especially when dealing with complex data or larger-scale applications.

Enter SavedStateHandle

The SavedStateHandle is a more modern and convenient approach introduced as part of Android’s Jetpack components. It’s particularly useful when working with ViewModel and Fragment components, providing a seamless way to save and retrieve UI-related data even after process death.

How SavedStateHandle Works

SavedStateHandle is essentially a key-value map that allows you to store small pieces of data that should survive configuration changes or process death. It works closely with the ViewModel to ensure the state persists beyond the usual lifecycle of a fragment or activity. Instead of manually handling Bundle objects, you can interact with SavedStateHandle in a more straightforward way.

Under the hood, SavedStateHandle relies on the SavedStateRegistry mechanism provided by the Android framework. When a ViewModel is created, it is given a reference to a SavedStateHandle that is linked to the SavedStateRegistryOwner (typically an activity or fragment). The SavedStateRegistry manages the state by storing key-value pairs in a Bundle when the lifecycle owner is stopped, and then restores those values when it is recreated. This ensures that the data is retained across configuration changes and even process death, making it a powerful tool for state management.

For example, consider the following usage in a ViewModel:

class MyViewModel(
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
) : ViewModel() {

    fun setUserName(name: String) {
        savedStateHandle[KEY_USER_NAME] = name

    companion object {
        private const val KEY_USER_NAME = "user_name"

Here, SavedStateHandle allows you to save the user name with a specific key, and retrieve it later, simplifying the process of managing UI state in a configuration-safe manner.

Benefits of Using SavedStateHandle

  1. Integration with ViewModel: Unlike traditional onSaveInstanceState, SavedStateHandle is integrated with ViewModel. This means it benefits from the ViewModel’s lifecycle awareness, making it easier to maintain state during configuration changes.

  2. Simplified Code: No more manual handling of Bundles and lifecycle methods. The API is intuitive, allowing you to focus on the logic rather than lifecycle intricacies.

  3. Automatic Process Death Handling: SavedStateHandle automatically manages saving and restoring data in cases of process death, which can be complex to handle manually.

When to Use SavedStateHandle

  • Fragments with ViewModel: When you have a fragment that uses a ViewModel, SavedStateHandle is ideal for preserving UI-related state between fragment recreations.
  • Configuration Changes: If you need to persist small amounts of data, like user input or filter criteria, during configuration changes, SavedStateHandle can simplify your implementation.
  • State Restoration After Process Death: If you want your application to restore its state seamlessly after the OS terminates your app to free up resources, SavedStateHandle can be your go-to tool.

Practical Example: Saving User Input

Let’s consider a fragment where a user types their name into a text field. You can easily manage this state with SavedStateHandle and StateFlow to ensure the data persists across configuration changes.

class MyViewModel(
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
) : ViewModel() {

    private val _uiStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(
            userInput = savedStateHandle["user_input"] = input
    val uiStateFlow = _uiStateFlow.asStateFlow()

    fun saveUserInput(input: String) {
        savedStateHandle["user_input"] = input
        _uiStateFlow.update {
            it.copy(userInput = input)

    data class UiState(
        val userInput: String? = null,

In your fragment, you would observe this data and update the UI accordingly:

class MyFragment : Fragment() {

    private val viewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels()

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        val userInputEditText = view.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.userInputEditText)

        // Observe the saved input
        viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
            viewLifecycleOwner.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
                viewModel.uiStateFlow.collect { uiState ->
                    userInputEditText.setText(uiState.userInput ?: "")

With this approach, user input is automatically saved and restored, creating a smooth user experience without manually managing bundles and lifecycle intricacies.


SavedState and SavedStateHandle are essential tools for Android developers aiming to create more resilient and lifecycle-aware applications. While SavedState using onSaveInstanceState is still a valid approach, SavedStateHandle provides a cleaner and more integrated solution, especially when working with Jetpack’s ViewModel and Fragment components. By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that your app handles configuration changes and process death smoothly, leading to a better user experience.